
We don’t believe one size fits all.

We respect that everyone is different and that each exciting project comes with its own wealth of potential and, of course, it’s its own technical guidelines, parameters, and deadlines.

We listen, offering fast, flexible solutions with a mindful approach.

We tailor designs according to the needs of the individual and the sites surrounding landscape. Whether it’s an off-grid location, a coastal getaway or a unique urban block – we can create a prefab home to suit every lifestyle.

Flexibility is the true Strength of Modular-designed Homes

Every site presents its own challenges and opportunities.

Our custom homes use the ‘Ark Range’ as a starting point, with the location and your preferences as our inspiration. We then tweak and tailor the design until it’s made to fit you ­- to the location, budget, and lifestyle. This is your chance to create a space that’s only limited by your imagination.

At Arkular, we take pride in:

• Being client-focused: We are dedicated to achieving the best outcome from conception through to completion.

• Tweaking and tailoring: We modify and adapt the design to you, your lifestyle and your site; and

• Producing impressive architectural homes: Our beautifully crafted ‘Sea, Tree and City Range’ homes are evidence of this, designed to maximise efficiency, minimise time frames and streamline processes.

Welcome to a Stress-free Process

Whether opting for an Ark Design or preferring a customised design, you can relax, knowing that our passionate team absolutely loves handling all the homework and project management for you, even with council permits.

Our team manages each project from start to finish, paying close attention to the site’s unique requirements. We craft flexible designs for our clients that never waiver on quality.

With over 20 years of experience, our team of architects’ passion is as real today as it was yesterday, designing sustainable modular homes across Australia alongside our team of world-class modular building partners in Victoria, NSW and Queensland.

Sustainable design shouldn’t cost the earth.

What we like most about our prefab, modular approach is that it helps us save time during the build process, which in turn saves you money. And it means resources can be directed towards well-considered design and high-quality materials instead of being squandered on unforeseen delays typical of traditional building methods.

We’re proud of the value we add to each project through our process. Whether we gain time or money (or both) through our efficiencies, we keep you informed at every step and ensure the benefits are always passed on to you.

At Arkular, we take pride in:

• Efficient, transparent processes and authentic numbers.

• Every client receives an accurate idea of costs at the very first design presentation, providing a clear design direction and complete peace of mind.

• An impressive comprehensive and transparent standard inclusions list.

• Our manufacturing partners estimating and construction team ensures our forecast numbers are authentic.

• Our process is streamlined, guaranteeing sharp turnarounds and fast completions.

• We provide exceptional project value across a mere 8 to 12 months for the entire process (timings depend on site and council).

Have a project
in mind?

Eager to start your next project? Contact us to get started.

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