Together, we’re pioneering design and construction to improve human and planetary health.

Creating Arks for
Healthier Lives.

Nature-Powered Future.

At Arkular we love opportunities of Passive Solar Design to reconnect our lifestyles to the natural environment with the acknowledgement of the importance of naturally occurring features, such as sun, water, wind and natural materials, by utilizing all these elements enables household running costs to be massively reduced.

Solar Harvesting.

All Arkular architecture is based on passive solar design principles, such as optimized orientation, shading, insulation, double-glazing & sealing, which enables natural elements to flow through each dwelling.

Sustainable Homes Make Us Healthy, Wealthy & Green

High Performing Buildings.

Airtight, Thermal, and Energy-efficient buildings.

Our buildings are designed to block out high summer sun and optimise cooling summer night breezes. In winter, allowing sun to penetrate into the building, trapping it, storing it and then releasing it to minimise artificial heating.

Sustainable features are recommended throughout which include grid-connected solar power systems, solar hot water systems, Energy E LED lights, electricity usage meter, and maximum star-rated electrical appliances.

Healthy environments.

Nothing is more important than fostering spaces for families to grow in safe, healthy environments to improve air quality and protect the health of occupants. We use low-VOC timber, paints, adhesives, and sealants as well as products without formaldehyde. Strategic window placement to encourage cross ventilation.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
and Regenerate.

Waste Reduction.

We design big rather than build big, paying careful attention to material sizes and dimensions, to maximise product usage and reduce waste.

Water is a precious commodity.

We treat it as such by helping to reduce, re-use & recycle the water consumed in your project. Including water-saving plumbing fittings, rainwater tanks & water-saving appliances.

Sustainable Materials.

Arkular prides itself on using sustainably sourced & environmentally certified materials in construction, such as plantation FSC timbers, insulation batts & joinery.

H&G HOUSES - BACK TO NATURE - A Victorian family has created the perfect antidote to city life - a sustainable haven where the land meets the sea.

Off-Grid Modular Homes.

We are the designers of the first-ever carbon-positive modular building. We know all the tricks to rip the band-aid off and take your life off-grid.

Aimed at those who want the very best in cutting-edge sustainable technologies. We explore systems to generate renewably sourced power, harvest rainwater, and re-use greywater. Our building systems will include green roof and wall systems to further insulate the envelope and mitigate heat loss and gain through its fabric.

These recommendations will make it possible to remove power and water bills, creating a space that will improve wellbeing and positively impact upon your health and the planet that we all inhabit.

Your Ultimate Guide to Off Grid Living.

H&G HOUSES - BACK TO NATURE - A Victorian family has created the perfect antidote to city life - a sustainable haven where the land meets the sea.

Fire Rated
Modular Homes.

Designing & Building a Home in Bushfire Prone Areas.

Arkular homes are built using durable materials as a standard that can, with modifications, certainly accommodate all BAL rating requirements all the way to Flame Zone by simple substitutions in materials.

We can work with most sites pending access for our modules according to the site’s rating.

Explore BAL Ratings

Let's talk

We welcome your ideas, and even depend on them, to make your Arkular home unique and perfectly right for you.

book a call today.
